On 21 January 2017 – Science India Forum Bahrain felicitated Ms. Gopika babu and the Escort guide Mrs. Rugmini Devi for their participation in the 24th National Children’s Science Congress held at Baramati, India from 27-31 December 2016. The Team members Ms Mishtee Subhash and Mstr. Aaron Joseph, Project Guide Teachers Mrs. Shanipriya and Mrs. Misha were also honoured during the function. Mr. Anand Prakash, Second Secretary, Embassy of India-Bahrain presented the Winners trophy of the 1st Bahrain Students Innovation Congress to The New Indian School Principal Mr. Gopalan. Mr. Yusuf Ebrahim Al Jawader, Ambassador and Asst. Under Secretary for Human Financial Resources and Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Govt. of Bahrain addressed the gathering, Prof. Vizayakumar, Dr. Ravi Warrior and Other SIF Officials were present at The New Indian School Auditorium during the Felicitation Ceremony.